I am Are back from holiday For between valleys and mt 2 trips to vestlandet and 1617 pictures for the holiday so it advent mass here also From lærdal and eidsfjord and vøringsfossen very from hay the mt and hallingdal and hardangervidda
Next week I go at holiday So when become it no new pictures before I it are back from it But hope all advent back oh see at the pages mine hope oh few taken mass pictures by Norwegian nature while I it are away Will thank all as have given me comments at mine pictures it insperer me much to oh take new pictures oh it it are nice oh see at all sine pictures here within hope all may one fine holiday Oh will when wish all one good holiday Greeting esnorway
This week was dificult to fine somthing on x but i am a big guy so its that i come to think on with side of clods i have and that is my nr XXL so my pic shoots is x=xxl
I am 41 years old and still in form. I have got my int for photo. I have 5 cams in use one Nikon d50 one Nikon D80 and one Nikon F55 and one Nikon f401 nokia N82 some are mobile phone with 5 mpic cam on./41 år mann i sin beste alder. fått intressen for foto har nå. (Se liste bytter stadig ut kamerar) har også en nokia n82 med 5 mpic som blir brukt til nød om det skulle være sånn.